Expert Institute


Jamieson is pleased to announce that it has advised the management team of Expert Institute on the acquisition of the business by Levine Leichtman Capital Partners.

Expert Institute is a leading provider of outsourced legal services to the attorney market. EI’s network and technology platform connect law firm clients with high-quality expert witnesses, medical professionals, and AI-enabled due diligence solutions to drive enhanced case outcomes. The platform streamlines the process of expert engagement, offering tools and resources to help legal teams identify and collaborate with specialists for litigation support, case consultations, and testimony.

Mike Sirkin, Jonny Jones, and Fionn Dillon Kelly advised Michael Talve (Founder and CEO) and his management team on their reinvestment into the new structure and the terms of the new MIP.

Jamieson Corporate Finance US, LLC is a member of FINRA/SIPC