More recently, IPOs by Private Equity portfolio companies have been subject to higher scrutiny by public Investors. This requires careful consideration by all shareholders, including the CEO/ Management Team as the “face” but also shareholders of the company.
Einsichten und Perspektiven
aufgrund unserer Markterfahrung
Einsichten und Perspektiven
aufgrund unser Markterfahrung
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director, & Mark Wasserberger, US CEO & Managing Director
Why Management Advisory in Private Equity Transactions?
In this article, Michael Sirkin and Mark Wasserberger, who head Jamieson US, discuss what Management Advisory is and how it helps CEO’s and management teams of PE portfolio companies in transactions and leadership changes.
John Greenland, Partner
Introducing Jamieson’s New Podcast: The Coalface of Private Equity
We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Coalface of Private Equity, Jamieson’s brand-new podcast series designed to explore the key challenges, trends, and considerations facing management teams in the private equity landscape.
Ian Jamieson, Chairman
Jamieson announces further expansion in the United States
Jamieson, the leading independent firm advising management teams on their equity incentive arrangements with capital providers, is pleased to announce the establishment of an office in San Francisco, California.
Stuart Coventry, CEO
Jamieson announces team in the Nordics
Jamieson, the leading independent management advisory firm announces Fredrik Karlsson will run Jamieson’s Nordic team based in Stockholm.
Stuart Coventry, CEO
Jamieson announces move into the Italian market
Jamieson, the leading independent global management advisory firm, today announces its agreement with Giovanni Poggio and Luca Lupone to become the Italian representatives.
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director
Private Equity Management Incentive Plans – Are Some Issues Too Difficult to Resolve Up Front?
Michael Sirkin discusses the need to resolve key issues at the time of creation of the MIP
Stuart Coventry, CEO
Jamieson launches private markets remuneration advisory services
Jamieson today announces the appointment of Tony Gilbert to lead its new remuneration advisory services.
Daniel Meschaninov
PE-led IPOs: Update Q1/2024 – To list or not to list?
PE-led IPOs in Europe in Q1 2024 exhibit very different characteristics to the ones in recent years, especially to the ones in the blockbuster year 2021. Shareholders and especially Management are significantly impacted as a result which might lead to a misalignment in terms of exit and pricing decisions at the point of IPO
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director
Retaining and Rewarding Management when Value Drops
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman and Managing Director discusses considerations in addressing equity incentive programs in a down market environment.
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director
Employment Agreements in Private Equity owned Companies verses in Public Companies
In private equity settings, executives often primarily focus on the management equity plans. However, this is an employment situation and the other aspect of employment, such as employment agreements, annual compensation and restrictive covenants also must be considered.
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & Managing Director
CEO Negotiation Timing and Preparation in Go Private Transactions
Michael S. Sirkin, US Chairman and Managing Director of Jamieson, discusses the logistics and implications of going private transactions on the chief executive officer and other senior management
Michael Sirkin, Chairman & Managing Director of Jamieson USA
Skin in the Game
Michael Sirkin, Chairman & Managing Director of Jamieson USA, discusses the logic of “skin in the game” and attainment of agreement on the proper level.
John Greenland, Partner
Hot Sector: Insurance Distribution
The insurance sector has attracted significant attention from financial investors recently. John Greenland, Partner, provides his insight including a look at some of the management trends the firm has been seeing.
Stuart Coventry, CEO
10 Observations and Current Trends
As we move into the next financial year, we have noticed the following 10 observations from the past year.
Daniel Meschaninov, Director
Going public – the revival of the IPO as an Exit route: A view from Europe
Public equity markets are back in fashion with Investors, both on the sell and the buy side.
Michael Sirkin, Chairman & Managing Director
IPO Impact on Equity Grants of Private Equity Portfolio Companies
Michael Sirkin, Chairman and Managing Director of Jamieson USA, explores the impact of an IPO exit on equity grants in private equity portfolio companies and related equity issues
Andrew Cox, Partner
GP led Fund to Fund transactions – “too good to sell!”
We have seen a significant increase in the number of fund to fund transactions in the last 18 months. We have advised over a dozen deals and we expect to see many more in the coming months as GP’s look at these transactions as a way of providing liquidity whilst continuing to own the asset.
Stephen Maxwell, Partner
To P2P or not?
A wave of take-privates by private equity and institutional investors is upon us and is growing momentum – what can investors and management teams do to optimise the management incentive arrangements?
Stuart Coventry, CEO
Stuart Coventry, CEO
Globale Perspektive und Lokale Expertise
Globale Perspektive und Lokale Expertise
Wir sind uns der Herausforderungen im Umgang mit kulturellen und technischen Besonderheiten bei Cross Border Transaktionen sehr bewusst und verhandeln bzw. strukturieren entsprechend maßgeschneiderte Incentive Schemes.
Wir sind uns der Herausforderungen im Umgang mit kulturellen und technischen Besonderheiten bei Cross Border Transaktionen sehr bewusst und verhandeln bzw. strukturieren entsprechend maßgeschneiderte Incentive Schemes.
Ian Jamieson, Founder & Executive Chairman
Ian Jamieson, Founder & Executive Chairman
Definition und Professionalisierung unseres Sektor
Definition und Professionalisierung unseres Sektor
Die Terms & Conditions der Incentive Schemes werden noch vor finanziellem Committment des Management Teams vereinbart. Das ermöglicht einen professionellen und vor allem störungsfreien Prozess um das Management Incentive Scheme und ist damit sowohl für Käufer als auch Verkäufer von Vorteil.
Die Terms & Conditions der Incentive Schemes werden noch vor finanziellem Committment des Management Teams vereinbart. Das ermöglicht einen professionellen und vor allem störungsfreien Prozess um das Management Incentive Scheme und ist damit sowohl f
Tom Burton, Partner
Tom Burton, Partner
Über 40 Transaktionen im Jahren machen den Unterschied für ein Management Team, das nicht jeden Tag eine Beteiligung verhandelt
Über 40 Transaktionen im Jahren machen den Unterschied für ein Management Team, das nicht jeden Tag eine Beteiligung verhandelt
Unser Track Record von über 500 Transaktionen in den letzten 15 Jahren sprechen für sich.
Unser Track Record von über 500 Transaktionen in den letzten 15 Jahren sprechen für sich.
John Greenland, Partner
John Greenland, Partner
Größe, Erfahrung und Fähigkeiten unseres Teams bedeuten, dass wir auch in kurzfristigen Deadlines Management Incentive Programme entwickeln, analysieren, benchmarken und umsetzen können.
Größe, Erfahrung und Fähigkeiten unseres Teams bedeuten, dass wir auch in kurzfristigen Deadlines Management Incentive Programme entwickeln, analysieren, benchmarken und umsetzen können.
Michael Sirkin, US Chairman & MD, jointly wrote the following article
Equity Incentives at Publicly Traded vs. Private Equity Owned Companies: Is There a Difference?
This article looks at the different equity compensation models for senior management of private equity owned companies vs those of publicly traded companies.
Ian Jamieson, Founder & Executive Chairman
Management incentive plans in private equity and Covid-19 impact
Jamieson Founder and Chairman, Ian Jamieson, shares the firm’s observations and thoughts on the impact of Covid-19 on management incentive plans in private equity